
Mind and Body Boost

How would you feel if your life could be better than it is right now?

What this course will do for you;

- Make you sleep better
- Give you more energy
- Make you feel happier
- Give you a sense of purpose
- Get clarity about what you'd like to happen in work and life
- Stop emotional eating
- You may loose weight (if that is what you desire)
- You will eat healthier
- Change any bad habits you have acquired over the years (mentally or physically)
- Eliminate any limiting beliefs. Beliefs that are stopping you from being happy/getting what you want/being slim
- Make changes that last a life time, not just during this course
- Know more - about yourself and how you can function even better
- FEEL GOOD about your mind and body

How do we do all that and what is the cost?

4 week programme: £350
1. 2 consultations with Jayne around diet, energy and any symptomatic issues you have
2. 2 coaching sessions with Neil to establish what you'd like to change, develop or improve. Then establishing a way forward and how to build strategies and resources for that.
3. Weekly check-ins to keep the motivation and changes happening.
4. 4 weekly resources to take away. Healthy eating ideas to get you started, How to manage your state, How to Change habits, How to connect your mood with your food and a Hypno-therapy sleep resource.

6 week course £590

1. Two consultations with Jayne around diet, energy and any symptomatic issues you have. Detailing eating habits and establishing healthy ways to eat for the future.

2. Three coaching sessions with Neil to establish what you'd like to change, develop or improve. This allows a much deeper level of change to happen. Increased clarity about what you'd like to have happen and how that can be sustainable into the future.

3. Weekly check-ins to keep the motivation and changes happening.

4. 8 different resources to take away. As above plus a fruit and vegetable challenge, limiting beliefs information, 2 Hypno-therapy sleep resources, a recipe book from Jayne on low calorie and sugar recipes, a fully comprehensive video on everything you need to know to have a good nights sleep, How to give yourself feedback that has impact, Balancing blood sugars and Dealing with Drama.

12 week plan £950

This is the 'deluxe version' for people who like to take their time with courses or who find it harder for information or change to sink in as quickly. You have access to us more frequently and we can gently coach you as and when is needed during the 12 weeks.

1. This will include five coaching sessions from Neil. The level of work will create huge clarity about purpose and what you'd like to change. It will develop a detailed structure of what to embed and practice to achieve the things you'd like. It will create a good level of accountability and set you up to continue with high levels of energy purpose.

2. 3 nutrition sessions from Jayne allowing time for any tests to be returned, changes put in place and results to be seen.

3. All of the above and explanations on fright or flight, smoothie and juice recipes plus Jayne's E book on How to Boost Your Immune System and beat Coronavirus (everything you need to know about keeping your immune system at it's best working order).

4. A Plan of action: how to sustain changes you have made, keep the energy going and embedding different behaviours and habits.

Hello there

You're going to love this approach to a new positive way of thinking and feeling when you find out how easy it is to do. We think this combined holistic course, working with both your mind and your body is a perfect resource as we come out of lockdown. We have all been limited, stuck in our own spaces and heads, relying on day to day eating and living and constrained in many ways. This will help you re-establish a more flexible, healthy and meaningful way out of those constraints and give you energy and freedom, escaping the lock, and losing the down... more up and onwards please!!

Please take a moment to look at this offer from us; Jayne Hopper and Neil Pavey. We are offering this great package as a collaboration between 2 highly experienced people from different fields: Coaching and Nutrition. The programme is designed to boost both your body via diet, sleep and how you can increase your energy and your mind through coaching, knowing more about things like habit change, state management and limiting beliefs.

At a time when many things have changed in work and life over the last 18 months this is now your opportunity to re-set and get a springboard back into whatever the new normal will be. We hope you like the offer.

(Please note that any nutritional tests undergone with Jayne are extra)